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时间:2009-07-21 13:19 来源:www.lunwen163.com 作者:163论文网 点击:

【关键词】  精神分裂症;奎硫平;牛黄宁宫片

  【摘要】 目的  探讨奎硫平联合牛黄宁宫片治疗精神分裂症的疗效及安全性。 方法  将113例精神分裂症随机分为研究组56例和对照组57例,研究组给予奎硫平联合牛黄宁宫片治疗,对照组单用奎硫平治疗,两组奎硫平平均治疗剂量502.47±75.53mg・d-1,疗程12w。采用简明精神病症状量表、阳性与阴性症状评定量表、总体评定量表和副反应量表于治疗前及治疗第12w末评定临床疗效与不良反应。 结果  12w末研究组痊愈率41.7%,显效率80.4%;对照组痊愈率31.6%,显效率56.1%,两组差异极显著(P<0.01)。研究组起效较对照组快,不良反应差异不显著。 结论  牛黄宁宫片可增强奎硫平对精神分裂症的总体疗效,安全性高,依从性好。

  【关键词】  精神分裂症;奎硫平;牛黄宁宫片

  Comparative analyses of quitiapine combined with Niuhuang Ningong tablet in schizophrenia

  【Abstract】 Objective To explore the curative effects and safety of quitiapine combined with Niuhuang Ningong tablet in schizophrenia. Methods 113 schizophrenics were randomly divided into research group( took quitiapine combined with Niuhuang Ningong tablet, n=56) and control group(did quitiapine, n=57) for 12 weeks, the mean dosage of quitiapine was 502.47±75.53mg/d for both the 2 groups. Clinical effectiveness and side effects were assessed with The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale(BPRS), Positive And Negative Symptom Scale(PANSS), Global Assessment Scale(GAS) and Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale(TESS) before treatment and at the end of 12th week of treatment. Results At the end of 12th week, cure and effectual rates were respectively 41.7% and 80.4% in the research group and 31.3% and 56.1% in the control group, which showed the most significant difference(P<0.01); the research group took faster than the control group did. Difference of the side effect was not significant. Conclusion Niuhuang Ningong tablet could amplify total curative effect of quitiapine in schizophrenia and had higher safety and better compliance.

  【Keywords】 Schizophrenia; quitiapine;  Niuhuang Ningong tablet


  1 对象与方法

  1.1 对象  选取2002年6月~2004年6月在我院住院的113例精神分裂症患者为研究对象。均符合《中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准》第3版(CCMD-3)精神分裂症诊断标准;符合中医肝郁化火,痰火内扰或阴虚火旺证候;年龄16~60a, 病程≤5a; 以往连续应用抗精神病药物<8w,入组前1w内未应用任何抗精神药物;排除严重躯体疾病服用中药者、酒精及药物依赖、器质性障碍及智能障碍等。将入组对象随机分为研究组56例和对照组57例。研究组男30例,女26例,平均年龄27.85±10.13a,平均病程6.84±3.72mo;对照组男31例,女26例,平均年龄27.77±11.23a,平均病程6.89±4.56mo。两组一般资料经统计学处理差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

  1.2 方法

  1.2.1 治疗方法  研究组给予奎硫平联合大连美罗中药有限公司生产的中成药牛黄宁宫片治疗,牛黄宁宫片18片・d-1・Tid;对照组单用奎硫平治疗。两组奎硫平首次剂量均为50mg・d-1,平均治疗剂量502.47±75.53mg・d-1。若出现焦虑、睡眠障碍可给予小剂量抗焦虑剂或苯二氮艹[]卓类药物对症处理。两组疗程均为12w。     

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