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Talking about Walking

时间:2011-12-23 15:30 来源:www.lunwen163.com 作者:163论文网 点击:
摘要:英语语言最重要的特征之一便是一词多义,在众多意义中选择既忠实原文又符合汉语表达习惯的译词,实为不易。而英汉翻译中的文化障碍或文化空缺现象对翻译也带来很大的困难。本文在翻译过程中使用“一词多译”、“ 词类转换”和“文化空缺”的补偿手段方面作了认真的探讨。 关键词:一词多译;词类转换;文化空缺

Americans have a lot of words to describe the way people walk. The words can also tell something about the way people look and feel when they walk. Suppose the city of woods pick has accused Anya Meyer of burglary, and we watch people walk into the courtroom.
An hour before the trial begins, people start straggling in to watch. A heavy-set man waddles in and takes a seat. An old and frail woman dodders in, and a nine-year-old boy pokes along behind her. A young man saunters in, appearing uninterested. The courtroom guard strolls in for another day’s work. The court clerk bustles in and busily begins to get the courtroom ready for the trial.
As the time for the trial nears, Meyer’s lawyer breezes in,she knows that Meyer is innocent. The city’s lawyer swaggers in; sure he will win the case. An angry witness stalks to a seat near the front. The judge strides in when the clerk calls for order. Anya Meyer shuffles in slowly. Just as the trial begins, her mother slips in quietly and sits at the back. In a few minutes, her husband slinks in, hoping no one will notice him.
Without meeting any of those people, we know at least a little about how they feel and look.
There are many more words to describe walking. Hunters prowl here and there, creep and inch up to their prey. People out for fresh air and exercise may amble, ramble, lope, or swing along. A person who is drunk may stagger, lurch, sway, or totter. A couple dressed up for a special occasion may strut. A two-year-old child may toddle. Young people may frisk. A mother may tiptoe past her sleeping baby. A person may weave through a crowd.
Thirty words for walking have been used here. There are many more.

 译文:                  漫谈“走路”

[1]杨一帆.谈英汉翻译中的“一词多译”[J]. 考试周刊,2010(38) .
[4]杜建育, 王宏军. 论英汉翻译中的“文化空缺”[J]重庆交通大学学报,2010(3).
作者简介:尚丽娟(1963- ),女,江苏常州人,副教授,主要从事高职英语教学研究。